So You Want to Bring More Balance to Your Life?

If you feel like your life has turned into a dragon and you don’t have a sword to slay it, the good news is there’s still a light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of how stressed you may be, there are always ways to start regaining at least a little balance. To begin making steps in the right direction, here are five strategies you can utilize:
As the planning fallacy explains, we’re all pretty bad at estimating how long it’s going to take to complete a task. So even if you take the extra step of allocating more time than you initially expect a task to require, you may still end up on a crunch. That’s why an even better option is to delegate whenever possible.
Now, when many people first hear that suggestion, they often think “I wish I could just delegate all my work, but that’s definitely not how my job works.” Regardless of how high or low you rank in an organization, there are going to be some things you simply can’t delegate to others. Additionally, if you’re assigned a project, it wouldn’t exactly look good for you to hand off the entire thing to someone else.
The reason neither of those facts have to be problems is because delegating can be done on a smaller scale. By taking a slightly different approach to work and looking for ways to break larger tasks into smaller pieces, you’ll find that you can lighten the load on yourself while still staying on top of everything that’s required of you.
Enjoy You Time
It’s important to periodically unplug and have time where you can be alone with your own thoughts. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, carve out a little slot during at least a few days of the week when you can hit the gym for a solo workout. During this time, put your phone on silent and keep your full attention on working out. This will allow you to reap the proven benefits of releasing endorphins as you work out.
Enjoy Us Time
If you’re in a relationship, you need to make time for just the two of you. Even if you have kids, you need to find a sitter you can trust and then put them to work at least once a week. Although it may not seem like much, simply getting dressed up to go out for drinks and dinner with your significant other can ensure the spark between the two of you stays bright.
Try Aromatherapy
As you may have guessed, aromatherapy is outside the scope of mainstream Western medicine. But as you can see, it’s been linked to a wide variety of benefits. Additionally, you don’t even have to be searching for a specific cure in order to benefit from this practice. Simply slowing down and going through the process of setting everything up can help you relax.
If you decide that you want to give aromatherapy a shot, you’re going to want a quality vaporizer. One popular option is the Magic Flight Launch Box. A big reason why so many aromatherapy enthusiasts choose the Magic Flight Launch Box is because it’s small. Since it can fit in a purse or pocket, you can enjoy the experience of aromatherapy even when you’re away from home.
Another reason it’s so popular is because you get a full system for a really attractive price. As you can see on its product page, the Magic Flight Launch Box includes batteries, protector caps, a charger, cleaning brush, storage pouch and more.
Pay Attention to What You Eat
Most of us underestimate just how significant of an impact the food we eat can have on our overall feelings. Eating well isn’t only something that’s important for long-term health. It also plays a big role in having enough energy to get through the day, as well as avoiding feelings of sluggishness or being too full. Keep in mind that you don’t need to change your entire approach to eating overnight. Instead, gradually making small improvements will go a long way.
Dealing with a huge amount of stress or a seemingly endless number of demands on your time aren’t things that are going to disappear overnight. That being said, if you make bringing balance to your life a top priority by putting at least a few of the above strategies into action, you will be able to start moving towards a more balanced life.
Billy Smitherman is a 1st year college student that is currently working on his BAF degree. In his free time billy enjoy meditation, holistic healing, art, aromatherapy as well as generally living a healthy lifestyle.
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[…] "If you feel like your life has turned into a dragon and you don’t have a sword to slay it, the good news is there’s still a light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of how stressed you may be, there are always ways to start regaining at least a little balance" […]