Work Smarter – Get Up From Your Desk!

Did you know that one in five workers admits to sitting at their desk all day, not even getting up to take a break or go for lunch? That’s just one of the eye-opening statistics listed in this infographic from Louch Shacklock, which examines how poor working conditions can contribute to worker illness and poor productivity.
Why Are You Tied to Your Desk?
Many office workers suffer from poor circulation, back problems and other health issues because of the amount of time that they spend at their desks. It’s understandable (if still not a good idea) to occasionally spend all day, every day, at your desk if a deadline is approaching and there’s a lot of work to be done, but interestingly enough only one quarter of the workers cited “Not enough time” as their reason for being desk-bound. Other reasons included poor weather, a lack of fitness, and simply feeling “too tired”.
If you’re feeling tired and drained at work, take a look at this infographic and try to put some of the tips into action. You may be amazed at how much better you feel with some small changes to your working environment.
Orginally Published by the commerical property specialist Louch Shacklock